Extending the duration of stay on the territory of Ukraine (calculation of the allowed duration of stay)

Calculating the allowed duration of stay on the territory of Ukraine

1. The duration of stay for foreigners who are nationals of the states subject to visa-based entry regime and stateless persons is restricted by the visa validity period.

It means that a foreigner or stateless person may stay temporarily on the territory of Ukraine within the period allowed by the visa but no longer than the last day of visa validity period.

2. National of the states with visa-free entry regime may stay temporarily on the territory of Ukraine for up to 90 days during any 180 day period, unless other duration is provided for by international agreements Ukraine is party to.

During the stay on the territory of Ukraine, the calculation of the allowed duration of foreigner’s stay is performed by SMS officials by counting 180 days back from the day of control (the day on which legality of foreigner’s stay on the territory of Ukraine needs to be determined). A foreigner does not breach the indicated duration if within this 180-day period he/she has stayed on the territory of Ukraine for no longer than 90 days.

Online services: «migration calculator».

Service recipients

Foreigners and stateless persons.

Basis for receiving the service

  • filing an application to obtain immigration permit;
  • filing an application to acquire Ukrainian citizenship;
  • existence of circumstances that preclude exiting Ukraine;
  • other cases when there is a necessity to extend the period of stay (medical treatment, pregnancy, caring for a sick family member, acceptance of inheritance, performance of service duties by a foreign correspondent or representative of a foreign mass media outlet, etc.).

How to claim and receive the service

  • Collect the required documents;
  • Visit the territorial body or unit of SMS at your place of residence;
  • Submit an application enclosing the required documents.

Service fees and benefits

Service fee is 44.85 UAH.

Government charge is one non-taxable minimum personal income (17 UAH).

Administrative service fee in the amount of 0,1 of the living wage, established for able-bodied persons as of January 1 of the calendar year (302,80 UAH in 2024).

Exemption from government charge applies to:

  • citizens referred to categories 1 and 2 of individuals affected by Chernobyl catastrophe;
  • disabled veterans of the Great Patriotic War and families of servicemen (resistancefighters) killed in action or missing, and individuals equalized with these groups according to the established procedure;
  • people with disabilities referred to groups I and II.

Application submission

Application is to be submitted in person.

Required documents

When the inviting party is a private person:

  • personal application (according to the Procedure regulating review of application from foreigners and stateless persons about extension of their stay on the territory of Ukraine, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine of 25.04.202 No. 363);
  • passport of a foreigner or ID document of a stateless person (returned after verification), copies of pages with personal data, visa (if applicable) and registration stamp and/or copy of the immigration card (if applicable);
  • Ukrainian translation of pages in passport of a foreigner or ID document of a stateless person containing personal data and attested according to the established procedure;
  • passport of an inviting person (returned after verification) and copies of pages containing personal data;
  • copy of a permanent or temporary residence permit or other document that confirms legality of stay on the territory of Ukraine (if a host is a foreigner or stateless person);
  • document confirming financial means to cover expenses related to the stay of a foreigner or stateless person on the territory of Ukraine or a letter of guarantee from the host about taking the obligation to pay all expenses related to the stay of a foreigner or stateless person on the territory of Ukraine and their departure from Ukraine;
  • document certifying ownership or certificate of state registration of property rights to the housing provided to accommodate a foreigner or stateless person (shall be returned after showing), together with its copy; if the housing does not belong to the host, a written consent of the owner (co-owner) of the housing. If the housing is state-owned or belongs to municipality, instead of a document certifying ownership, one should submit a certificate issued by the housing maintenance organization about all adult individuals whose place of residence is registered in this housing facility, together with their written consent to accommodate a foreigner or stateless person;
  • 4 photographs of a foreigner or stateless person 35 mm x 45 mm;
  • payment slip confirming payment of government charge for extension of the duration of stay or document certifying certain exemptions.

When the inviting party is a legal entity:

  • personal application (according to the Procedure regulating review of application from foreigners and stateless persons about extension of their stay on the territory of Ukraine, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine of 25.04.202 No. 363);
  • passport of a foreigner or ID document of a stateless person (returned after verification), copies of pages with personal data, visa (if applicable) and registration stamp and/or copy of the immigration card (if applicable);
  • Ukrainian translation of pages in passport of a foreigner or ID document of a stateless person containing personal data and attested according to the established procedure;
  • passport of the director of a legal entity and/or person authorized by the director (shall be returned after showing) and copies of pages containing personal data;
  • copy of an abstract from the Unified State Registry of Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs;
  • copy of an executive order (ordinance, abstract from minutes, authorization letter, etc.) about appointment of staff members responsible for issuance of documents to foreigners or stateless persons, attested according to the established procedure;
  • document confirming financial means to cover expenses related to the stay of a foreigner or stateless person on the territory of Ukraine or a letter of guarantee from the host party about taking the obligation to pay all expenses related to the stay of a foreigner or stateless person on the territory of Ukraine and their departure from Ukraine;
  • document certifying ownership or certificate of state registration of property rights of the legal person to the housing provided to accommodate a foreigner or stateless person (shall be returned after showing), together with its copy; if the housing does not belong to the host party, a written consent of the owner (co-owner) of the housing or their authorized person;
  • 4 photographs of a foreigner or stateless person 35 mm x 45 mm;
  • payment slip confirming payment of government charge for extension of the duration of stay or document certifying certain exemptions.

Time limit for application review

Up to three working days. If additional verification is required, this period may be extended to ten days; and if the documents are to be submitted to SMS for decision – to fourteen days.

Result of the service

Extension of the duration of stay on the territory of Ukraine

Grounds for denying the service

A decision to deny extension of the duration of stay on the territory of Ukraine to a foreigner or stateless person shall be adopted in the following cases:

  1. necessity to ensure national security or protect public order;
  2. necessity to protect public health, rights and lawful interests of Ukrainian citizens and other individuals residing in Ukraine;
  3. when passport of a foreigner or stateless person is forged, damaged, does not conform to the established template or belongs to another person;
  4. when a foreigner or stateless person knowingly presents false information or forged documents;
  5. when there is established non-compliance of a foreigner or stateless person with the decision of court or public authority empowered to apply an administrative penalty, or they have other property liability before the State, physical or legal persons, including those related to previous expulsion from Ukraine, also after expiration of the ban for further entry to Ukraine;
  6. when there are reasonable grounds to believe that a foreigner or stateless person have other basis and purpose for staying in Ukraine, different from that stated in the application, or when they have not supplied sufficient confirmation;
  7. when a foreigner or stateless person lacks sufficient financial means for the period of stay or corresponding guarantees from the host.

The time limit within which a person has to apply to SMS and liability for breach of this time limit

Applications requesting extension of the duration of stay on the territory of Ukraine shall be submitted by foreigners / stateless persons and hosts not earlier than within ten working days and not later than within three working days before expiration.

Article 203 of the Code of Ukraine on Administrative Offence: Violation of the rules regulating stay in Ukraine and transit through the territory of Ukraine committed by foreigners and stateless persons.

Violation of the rules regulating stay in Ukraine committed by foreigners and stateless persons, namely residing without documents certifying the right to reside in Ukraine, residing with invalid or expired documents, employment without relevant permit, if such permit is required by Ukrainian legislation, or non-compliance with the established rules of movement and change of place of residence, or evading departure from Ukraine after the corresponding duration of stay has expired, failure to appear at the designated place of study or employment within the defined period after entering Ukraine without valid reasons, violation of rules regulating transit through the territory of Ukraine, except for violations listed in part two of this Article, are punishable by fine in the amount from thirty to fifty non-taxable minimum personal incomes.

Failure of foreigners or stateless persons to comply with the established registration rules or breach of the established duration of stay in Ukraine discovered at Ukrainian border-crossing points entails issuance of a warning or fine in the amount from thirty to fifty non-taxable minimum personal incomes.

Article 205 of the Code of Ukraine on Administrative Offence: Failure to take action to ensure timely registration of foreigners and stateless persons.

Failure of citizens who invited foreigners and stateless persons to Ukraine on private business and provided them with accommodation to take action to ensure their timely registration according to the established procedure entails issuance of a warning or fine in the amount from twenty to forty non-taxable minimum personal incomes.