Issuance of ID documents to stateless persons for traveling abroad

Basis for receiving the service

ID documents are issued to stateless persons who have reached 16 years of age and permanently reside in Ukraine.

By way of exception, if it is required by the state a person seeks entrance to, or by the international organization in the activity of which a person intends to participate, ID documents may be issued to a person under 16 years of age.

How to claim and receive the service

  1. Submit the required documents to the SMS unit;
  2. Visit the territorial body or unit of SMS and receive an ID document of a stateless person for traveling abroad.

Service fees and benefits

  • Government charge in the amount of 85 UAH (on the basis of para. 6 Article 3 of the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine «On Government Charges»);
  • Administrative service fee in the amount of 452 UAH (according to the List of administrative services related to migration and their fees, approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of 2 November 2016 No. 770 regulating some issues of administrative service delivery in the area of migration).
  • Cost of the blank form with contactless electronic media in the amount of 6330 UAH.

Exemption from government charge applies to:

  • citizens referred to categories 1 and 2 of individuals affected by Chernobyl catastrophe;
  • disabled veterans of the Great Patriotic War and families of servicemen (resistance fighters) killed in action or missing, and individuals equalized with these groups according to the established procedure;
  • people with disabilities referred to groups I and II.

Application submission

Application is to be submitted in person or by legal representative

Required documents

  • Application according to the established form;
  • 3 photographs 35 x 45 mm;
  • payment slip confirming payment of government charge;
  • if travelling abroad is undertaking by a minor, copy of birth certificate should be submitted additionally.

Time limit for application review

ID document shall be issued within three months after an application is made. When the trip is related to urgent medical treatment of a person, involves travelling of a severely ill person’s carer, or is related to death of a relative who resided abroad, ID documents are issued within three days.

Result of the service

Issuance of ID documents to stateless persons for traveling abroad.

Validity period of a document resultant from the service

The document is valid for three years.

If a stateless person stays abroad and has no possibility to return to Ukraine to receive a new document, they may before the expiration apply to the Ukrainian embassy or consulate abroad to receive an ID document giving the right to return to Ukraine.

The time limit within which a person has to apply to SMS and liability for breach of this time limit

Not established.