Migration Service calls to minimize visits to its territorial Departments and Units during quarantine

In order to prevent the spread of the coronavirus infection COVID-19 and in accordance to the measures, approved by the Government of Ukraine, units of the State Migration Service of Ukraine will be transferred to the maximum use of the means of remote recording to the electronic queue – by using preliminary recording on the official web-page of the State Migration Service of Ukraine.
At the same time, in order to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in Ukraine, the State Migration Service of Ukraine calls for all of its visitors – citizens of Ukraine, as well as foreigners and stateless persons – to refrain from visiting the SMS’s territorial Units and Departments unless necessary! Especially when your issue could be resolved remotely.
If the reason for the appeal is urgent and requires a mandatory visit to the SMS, we kindly ask to follow recommendations of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine to reduce the impact and transmission of acute respiratory viral infections:
- if possible, we kindly call you to use protective masks and disinfectants;
- please, do not create crowds in the unit. Please, remember to keep the safe distance between people (at least 1,5 meters);
- please, avoid contacts with those, who have fever and cough.
ATTENTIONS: if you have A.R.V.I. symptoms (fever, cough, difficult of breathing etc.) or have recently been in contact with COVID-19 patients, or have been in the countries where coronavirus infections were detected among the population, please, stay at home and refrain from visiting SMS’s units.
PLEASE, PAY ATTENTION: if your passport document is ready for the issuance, it’s not necessary to visit SMS’s units to obtain it during quarantine as passport documents are stored for one year.
We would like to thank you in advance for your understanding of the existing situation, and, please, accept our apologies for inconveniences! Please, be considerate and don’t jeopardize your health and those around of you!